Frequently Asked Questions
Who are Porto Photo Tours for?
Anyone with an interest in photography, really. Porto is such a fantastic backdrop for any photographer, so our aim is to encourage people to take advantage of everything Porto has to offer, as well as providing genuine tips and techniques from a professional photographer. Our tours are also ideal for people passing through Porto as a tourist, who simply want to make the best use of their time, and find all those iconic locations!
I’m a beginner, will it be too complicated?
Not at all. We don't assume any particular level of skill or experience, so we're happy to cover the basics as well as more complex techniques.
How long do the tours last?
Typically, all tours last 2.5 to 3 hours.
Do I need to be physically fit?
These are walking tours, and therefore you do need to be reasonably mobile. We take the tours at a leisurely pace, but in the interest of the group as a whole, it is important that we can make the various planned locations within the time available. If you are unsure, please contact us before booking.
Do I have to have a fancy DSLR camera?
Not at all, there are no camera snobs here! Much of the art to photography is being able to identify suitable subjects and to have an eye for composition. All of that can be done regardless of whether you have a fancy DSLR camera or a point-and-shoot.
Can I hire equipment?
Provided we know in advance, we are able to hire certain pieces of equipment such as cameras and tripods. Please contact us in advance if you feel you would need to hire equipment.